The house was a level more quiet that day with half of the family gone.
Joe was preparing to clean out the garage and work on his bike. The temperatures were about to soar to 100. And Carrie was doing last-minute shopping for the trip.
The day was good for nothing but staying indoors to watch Puck bang away on the piano, scatter pretzel sticks over the living room floor before Collette could stop him, and chew on pencil top erasers like bubble gum, (also before Collette could stop him).
That night, Dad, Mom, and the kids were going to see Sean in the “Celebrate Iowa” play. Later in the week they planned to visit a John Deere factory, visit the house and tombstones of five brothers who served on the same battleship during WWII, and various other interests.
Collette left for her walk that evening under the shadow of a 110 heat index. The air was thick. From afar, it created a haze along the road. Breathing was more of a difficulty in such August heat. No one was out as she walked the streets.