15 : That is a Bad Idea

We got some good thunder in the night and into the early morning. Some rain. Let’s keep this going.


We were wrapping up breakfast a little later that morning. Puck had questions for me.



“When does Toy Story 4 come out?”

I checked. “2018.”

“2018?!” He thought about that for a few moments. “What’s the plot line?”

I checked again. “Looks like it’s a love story.”

A moment of quiet shock passed over Puck’s face. “What.”

“Yup. That’s what it says.”

“Who is the love story about?”

“Looks like Woody and Bo Peep.”

“But what about the mission? There’s always a mission in all the Toy Stories.”

“Well, maybe it’s a mission of love.”



Puck’s disgust emerged in a different form later in the morning as we walked into the library to pick up a couple more Pixar reserves. It’s been a Pixar summer.

“Mom? Why are there signs all over the place?”

“People came to the library to vote today.”

“What? Why do they vote at the libary? That is a bad idea.” (Yes, he still says “libary” instead of “library”; I probably should correct that, but I don’t.)

“Well, they have to vote someplace.”

“But a libary is for researching and for books. It’s not for voting.” I could hear the indignation rising in his voice. “That’s the whole point of a libary! To research books.” He pointed to all the political signs as we walked in. “And they’re messing up the landscaping, and BEING LOUD!”

As we walked through the front door, Puck calmed and lowered his voice a little as he observed some of the other visitors in the library that morning.

“At least there are some people who are being reasonable and reading,” he noted.


A muggy afternoon bled into a muggy evening, a pile of Reeses minis, and a painful Cardinals loss up in Cincinnati. Sometimes even your Final Boss all-time Korean/Japanese saves leader can’t tie down the save.

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Jamie Larson