7 : Messing with God's Plans
One week out from school, and Puck was still taking things pretty leisurely. I watched him and his little brother sitting together during lunch, browsing Theodore’s “This Old House” magazine and pondering upgrades for our new home, whenever that happened.
As the heat index crawled to 106, Puck and Yali played together inside with their diecast burger/hot dog food trucks.
“Mom, you know how yesterday when you let us get these trucks?”
“And remember you were going to let us have popsicles first, but then you let us get the trucks instead?”
“Well, you wanted us to have the popsicles instead, right?”
“Well, you were pretty much messing with God’s plans. It’s what He had planned from the very beginning, for us to have those trucks.”
“That is true…”
“I mean, for all we know, God could make the end of the world happen right now, this very second. But most likely not. Right?”
As the afternoon waned and some clouds rolled in, the boys played outside with the garden hose, probably laugh-screaming more than the neighbors cared to hear. After awhile, Puck had more thoughts for me.
“Could you throw a surprise birthday on me?”
“When I turn ten?”
“I don’t know when I’m going to turn ten, because I don’t pay attention to the months. Just don’t tell me when my birthday is when I ask…”
“When’s my birthday?”
“Can’t tell you.”
Puck grinned.
Then there was something about finding “the biggest worm ever!” down by the back patio. And then something about how he was a “genius, I tell you!”
The evening ended with Reeses’s minis (Oxbear splurges on me when Puck won’t), a fine Jaime Garcia Cardinals win down in the city, and plans to finalize the contract on the house that weekend. Hopefully.