Off to Beantown
At one point in the morning while the boys snacked on snacky things in the kitchen, I turned around to Yali in his highchair. True to form, he remembered seeing Puck walk around with pretzel sticks hanging out of his nostrils on Thursday afternoon. So now, he too, wanted recognition for this feat and gestured for me to approve the star-shaped cereal snacks stuck inside his own nose. My boys are clearly geniuses.
I caught up on my list of paperwork while the snacking continued. One item of business – registering Puck for his second annual school fundraiser biathlon.
“Guess what, bud, if you raise one hundred dollars for the biathlon, you get to ride in a limo to the park and eat frozen yogurt.”
Puck had to take a moment to think about this. “I don’t really want to do that, Mom.”
“But you even get to skip part of class to do it.”
“No … I’d rather not.”
“Why not?”
“I’d rather learn education.”
Just before 11:30 we drove up to the Silverspoon’s to share fish sticks with Kitts and Elvis before they hopped a 2:40 flight to Boston. There might have been a few casual waves between the two youngest cousins as Oxbear and Theodore escorted them to Lambert.
The rest of the afternoon included mostly baseball, Minecraft, kickball in the backyard, and a whiny two year-old who is learning how to communicate displeasure without wrinkling his face into the shape of a raisin.
During dinner back home, we talked a little about the land of our neighborhood, how once, in older days, Civil War soldiers probably camped there, maybe Indians.
“I wonder if the whole Earth is just a meteorite,” Puck speculated. “That’s why it’s so glumpy everywhere.”
Meanwhile, up in Ohio, the Cardinals were having another rough day. No panic, but it sure wasn’t easy living lately. That’s when they start to play their best.
2.5 games up on Pittsburgh: 88 and 54; 20 games remaining.
Magic Number: 19.