Monday, August 9, 2010
While in the car, leaving for the house, Puck struck up a song, which was the first time Collette had really heard him do so on his own, and with all the correct notes, She’ll be Comin’ Round the Mountain.
“Nana sings that to me,” he explained.
At the house, Puck chomped down an orange. “Could I wash dishes, Mama?” he asked.
“I’m a good cleaner!”
The morning was for emails, ordering books for Mom, math programs, rearranging furniture, etc., and out in to the oven of the late morning for supplies.
Linnea-Irish had enjoyed her time in Iowa, staying up every night with Cherry until two in the morning, and once pulling an all-nighter to watch such a fantastically bright thunderstorm, that Linnea said the lightening cloud under which they observed, obliged them to wear sunnies.
She had also returned with a double bird ring, which fit onto two fingers at once.
After Puck had napped, he came upstairs to try to re-nap sprawled out on Linnea-Irish, who was also napping, while Mom, too, was napping. A sleepy day…
Finally, word came in from the car in the shop. An unresolved situation regarding the gasket heads… peculiar for a Honda. The old fuddy-duddy. But soon the new dark blue Civic was returned for the eight year-old dark red Civic.
Then out for groceries. In the dead heat.
Back home, Puck was eager to rummage through the mail to sort the ‘newspapers’, as he called them after his bubble bath.
The evening was for 8-9-10 celebration food, as OLeif called it, who always used an excuse to eat food. So there was an abundance of snacks over the second half of Quo Vadis, which made them continuously laugh over the antics of Peter Ustinov.