Day #028
“Quarantine” Day #028
- Kids receive “Easter basket” goodies : Patience : pack of little hair bows, all colors of the rainbow; Yali : Monster Truck; Puck : Vietnam War bayonet knife (for Easter, Collette, really?)
- Find warning signs taped up by the kids with hand-drawn skulls and monsters – dictated to Oxbear – reading : “If you come into the living room, I will destroy you!”
These days, Puck knows there are two ways to get errands run for him. His most abundant form of available currency is : Big Bear Hugs. He knows there’s a huge market for that in Mom-land. The second, comes in the form of his recently acquired yellow beast. Whenever the kitten is lounging or sleeping on his person in anyway, he invokes the following plea…
Puck, over the Alexa from the basement : “Mom! Could I please have a glass of milk?”
Collette : “Sure; come get it!”
Puck : “Please! I’m under Cat Law!”