A Florissant Christmas

Monday, December 24, 2007

Christmas at the Combs’. Another prime opportunity to secretly record conversations. It was a large crowd. The entire Snicketts family, including OLeif, Collette, and Puck, the whole Combs family, Grandma, Uncle Bobs, Aunt Day, Lokni and Bion, Lucia’s friend from work, and Uncle Larry. And as usual, the table was packed with goodies for the eating.

“And I have fudge,” Aunt Petunia announced, knowing all too well Collette’s weakness.

“Yay! Everyone’s so happy!” Lucia said loudly as they sat around the living room.

“Come show your class ring to Aunt Adelaide,” Aunt Petunia said to Linus. “And pull your shirt down. Your belly’s hanging out!”

Linus laughed, “It’s cute.”

“Says who?”


“Not me.”

Linus was soon out the door to pick up his girlfriend.

“Oooh, she looks cute tonight,” said Aunt Petunia, just as they walked in the door.

Gifts were soon opened before OLeif had to rush them off with Rose to get to the Christmas Eve service in time. There were many wonderful gifts, including chocolates, toys for Puck and witty t-shirts, a beautiful pen set, music, an unusual bread knife, and money. Regrettably, OLeif, Collette, Rose, and Puck left shortly after their last packages were opened. But as always, it was good to see everyone together in festive spirits, to one degree or another.

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Jamie Larson