A Little Pioneering
The power went out just before dinner. No explanation, just a lot of sirens east of us. Suddenly, watching “The Incredibles” in the basement was no longer an option.
The boys had zero problem going a little “pioneer” for the evening. Unfortunately for them both, I own exactly one candle. So once that was lit, the next best thing was the fire pit. It was already smoking before I knew what they were up to. Oxbear saw flames as he pulled into the driveway and put it out before employing both sons in a large flashlight/battery hunt. Fortunately for us all, we own more flashlights than candles. Puck manned the hunt with a mini desk lamp attached to his shoulder, cave-exploring style.
And once Puck realized that I would not be writing a “homework excuse note because the power went out” for his teacher, he realized doing math by flashlight wasn’t so bad after all.