A Marvelous Venture
Sunday, November 7, 2004
Sunday came cool and calm. OLeif and Collette got ready for church while OLeif read the funnies and Collette listened to talk radio. On the air was a middle-aged fellow from New Zealand, a doctor, who was discussing the amazingly improved bee pollen, harvested on a mountain top somewhere far off, maybe in China, maybe in Europe, or New Zealand itself. Collette wondered about that mountain – an Eden-like place as they said it. She saw it wispy and golden in the heights, far removed from civilization, where monk-like bee keepers lived in small rattan huts with small fires and bread ovens. Apple blossoms and honeysuckles, morning glories and lilies would crown the mountains in deep beds among waterfalls and fields of red and yellow flowers, pines, and wild raspberries…
Hmmm, she broke her thoughts again as she realized the muffin in the oven was finished baking. Moments later they sat at the dining room table with a large blueberry muffin with a golden crust between them. Collette read Spurgeon’s “Songs in the Night”, by the gold-red mica of the lamplight. She came across a quote she liked very much in particular:
“Millions of spiritual creatures walk this earth,
Unseen, both when we sleep and when we wake.”
The thought of such an idea sent small shivers through her at times. She recalled specifically once, when she was younger – twelve, perhaps. She had walked outdoors on the back patio. It was cold out, and she had a metal bucket in one hand, which she was going to fill with water from the hose. Suddenly it struck her at that very moment that she held the bucket, wrapped in her too-large purple fleece reversible jacket with snaps down the front, that she – Collette Maritime Snicketts – was being watched by unearthly beings, that she at that very moment must be surrounded by angels and heavenly ghosts. The thought floored her, and then she realized that God Himself was right there with her, silent, unseen, and powerful. She stretched her arms out to her sides at that moment, as if to acknowledge the spirits’ presence. The thought stayed with her and reemerged often. It was from that time on, an awesome thing.
That Sunday morning, OLeif was informed by Joe the Younger, the assistant pastor of Grace for several years, that he was moving soon to Ohio with his wife, Angelina, who was expecting, and their son. Ohio was where he had agreed to become senior pastor of a church, the same state from which Pastor Hatch was just coming. January 9th would be their last Sunday with Grace. Few knew, and Collette was disappointed that such a thing should happen. But, as she and OLeif discussed after the service, it was a good thing for them, and they were happy that they had such an opportunity.
And over soup and dunking sandwiches for lunch at the house, there were many laughs and talks. As evening came on, Collette pondered Carrie-Bri’s plans for the following fall – on-line bachelor degree in clinical psychology, three intensive four-week language study-abroad programs in Croatia, Uruguay, and Egypt, the police academy, ESI, her private pilot’s license, and finally, the Secret Service. It all sounded very exciting, and Collette hoped it would all work as she had hoped.
Collette thought about their plans, she and OLeif, everything from the Air Force and digital media in Florida and Pixar, to opening bookstore-restaurant-theatres and mission work with youth or overseas… They had even briefly discussed working together for a year or so on a cruise ship – him in electronics and computers on-board, and Collette, perhaps, taking care of the plants or serving in the Italian restaurant or the tours and such… How grand it would be, she had thought to herself.
Even then, as she watched the deck camera on her screen from Cabo San Lucas, she saw the sun set beyond the sea and rocky crags. How brilliant! To sail the seven seas for a year, to Mexico, Greece, new Zealand, China… to hike the Andes or shop in Paris, taste the fine cheese and grapes of Burgundy, snap photos off the Great Wall or Pompeii and Versailles… to taste the salt spray each morning and watch the storms off at sea as the mists came at dusk, while meeting fellow crew-mates from the islands, Africa, Norway, and from all over the world… to eat a croissant with butter and a glass of apple juice on the deck before beginnins the days’ duties. How grand that would be for a spell – the danger and adventures and delights. Quite amazing. But then again, she rather wondered if she would do it. To be gone so long from home and family, and maybe not having quite as much time as she would like with OLeif… She watched the Mexican sun turn the clouds to pale goldens and candy pinks as the gray night closed in. But still, it would have been a marvelous venture…