A Take on the Day
Puck was pretty proud. I could see it in the concentrated face of the red-pants-red-sweatshirt-clad chump as he broke the egg into my best red bowl and stirred the scrambled eggs in the red frying pan. His first true cooked egg endeavor.
Bær had left goodies from Wednesday night – his old bedroom door [which Puck converted into a slide on the red couch] and a small hamper of little white sand dollars.
“Puck, don’t turn on Dad’s computer,” I advised him after lunch. “I don’t know if he wants you to use it yet.”
“But, Mom, I already did. It rose up like a jellybean popping … up … spinning up into your mouth.”
The analogies…
In the evening we tried to repair Puck’s old Buzz Lightyear umbrella. He suggested red duct tape. It wasn’t looking good …
“Honey, I’m afraid this might be impossible.”
He looked carefully at the situation and said, “You know when George Washington crossed the Atlantic … sea … to discover American? America? He never gave up … He never did!”
Puck’s Blog: Day #1
One day there was nothing but rain. Then, the other day there was nothing and nothing to do. Then, during that day we were going to look what color my microscope looked like because Mom put it on my list. I wanted it to be black. She couldn’t remember. One day after that rainy day, it became sunny again. And we played balloon and I played Minecraft. And this is the day today: the big bear was at work and, well, I was playing at home. I had a week off. And there was a lot of stuff to do in that day. There was so much to do, in fact, that I almost forgot about Minecraft. And on that day we played Simon Says. Oh, and I was eating a cucumber and I got some seeds out so we could plant it. Then there was so much to do that I actually played Minecraft because there really was a lot of stuff to do but it was rainy on that day. So I played Minecraft. And there was so much to do. [I’m running out of things, Mom. Can you think of something?] … Well, there was a lot of stuff to do today. I was playing with my beads while Mom was typing on the computer about my blog. [Can you call Grandma to see where these beads came from?] And if you’re wondering where I got the beads, the beads were at Grandma’s. And there was so much to do. And Mom was going to paint a door today. [Mom, why are you painting a door?] … Well, there was some stuff to do. I was going to play Minecraft and there was so much to do until I got to play. And then I accidentally threw my cane on the floor and Mom was the one going to do an art project on the door. And there was so much to do and I loved it. I’m going to make my own book today. And there was so much to do. So much to do. And [I run out of ideas]. Well, uh, uh, I don’t know…