A Wise Man
Funny how a chance for snow earlier in the week can turn into seven inches of white fluff by 6:30 on a Saturday morning. Dad had to rescue the Japanese maple before it bent in half, before breakfast. It didn’t keep Joe from picking up Jaya for their “Santa Dash” in Old St Charles, however. Or Francis from drilling a snowball at Linnea. In the basement. But that had been Friday night while three of her friends came over to watch a movie, including Hansel and Gretyl and two bags of microwave popcorn. That was about half an hour before the police called Mom to inquire about Rose’s car in the community college parking lot. Apparently someone had lifted her car over the median. About an hour after that it was getting close to midnight. Linnea and I watched three deer cross the quiet street into the little cedar grove, one of them limping.
Mom mixed up eggs, sausage, and toast for a hot breakfast to counteract.
“Can’t your kids make breakfast for themselves, Grandma?” Puck asked, surprised.
“Hey, you don’t make your own breakfast,” I reminded him.
“Yes, but I can’t cook. I can only make sandwiches. And sandwiches aren’t appropriate for breakfast. Wouldn’t you agree?”
After the meal Francis took Puck motoring around the neighborhood on the lawn mower. Apparently the sled wouldn’t work. Too heavy and wet. “Heart attack snow”, the Channel 5 weather guy described it.
Puck had to miss his children’s Christmas party, due to the Christmas pageant rehearsal time being postponed to the afternoon (the social calendar of a six year-old), much to his dissatisfaction. But he played a pretty solid wise man. A few of the stars cried. About what you could expect from a Christmas pageant rehearsal.
There were some steaks and sweet potatoes waiting at the Silverspoon’s where Gloria had just come back from the ladies’ tea, Isaac was back for Christmas break, and Theodore walked in the door about two hours later from Nashville.
Bær took a seat on the couch later that evening. “Oh, I’m so sore. Six hours standing around the campfire.”
Meanwhile Puck was in the shower with a plastic Target bag that he had fashioned into an early 20th century bathing suit. He was pretty proud of that.
Puck’s Blog: Day #15
I’m going to do a Christmas pageant. I’m a part of the wise men. I think one of the gifts is oil. And the leader of the wise men has gold in his present. And I think mine has something in it. I think mine had frankincense. Yeah, frankincense.