Almost There
I was still a little crashed from all these pre-post-season late night games catching up with me by this morning. It’s easy to forget about optional life categories like food and sleep when things start getting tense out there on the Kentucky Blue. Or in this particular series, the heavily ivy-ed wall of Wrigley Field. Four games left; I was sandwiched between “Zombie” and “Forgot Lunch Again.”
By nine o’clock, however, I was back at it: organizing the last portions of Puck’s room. It’s satisfying, I guess.
It’s already the third day of fall, but honeysuckle still blooms on the fence. I’ll take it for as long as it lasts.
Crackers joined me in folding laundry late in the morning. She helps, of course, by landing herself on a freshly folded batch of Puck’s shirts. It’s like she enjoys shedding on things. Gives her purpose in life. Once she fulfilled that item on her checklist, she took a nap on Puck’s top bunk.
No complaints about Mary at school today. Puck sailed out of the classroom with another stack of miscellaneous art papers in tow. As I had learned previously, Mary’s “choking” Puck attack on Tuesday had been a choking hug around the neck. Girls.
More cat-like activity at the Big House. Snuggles stalked Suda in the living room. Acclimating these kitties for upcoming colder months.
Puck watched “Mulan” while Carrie-Bri prepared dinner: homemade chili mac, Mexican corn (fresh from Soulard), and a berry cobbler. Dad and Mom got in some weight-lifting before the meal was served. I never would have classified Mom as a weight-lifter, but when osteoporosis runs in the family, you do what you’ve gotta do.
El Oso brought back cookies for a late night snack while I tracked the game on the old laptop. Of course, “late night” since school started equals closer to 9:30.