And ... Done

“Francis, you idiot! That chicken was for a recipe!”

I couldn’t see Francis’ reaction to Carrie’s castigation. But I imagined him freezing mid-slice, fork poised over the unfortunate rotisserie chicken, trying to gather his wits.

“You should feel shame!” Carrie scolded him, as the chicken went back into the fridge.

“I feel no shame,” was the best Francis could come up with.

Carrie grabbed her purse. She was slightly annoyed with Francis that they had to leave an hour early for class because Francis’ buddy needed his car picked up someplace before it got towed while he was away for basic training in Texas. Or something like that.

“Okay, Collette,” Francis grinned, “I’m leaving with something very grumpy right now, so…”

“I’m leaving with something very stupid right now, so…” Carrie retorted, bursting through the front door.

Your basic sibling tiff.


So after a roaring good year of 2nd grade in the books, Puck was finished. Pictures of his class party had already been emailed to me two hours after class was released at 11:30.

Meanwhile, Puck was out partying it up with Sunday School classmates at the Science Center and Omnimax Theater. The end of school to him was less of a celebration, I think, and more of a continuation of fun into the summer months ahead.


Back at the Big House, Podcast Episode 40 was a wrap.

Oxbear had the day off from work so he wrapped up some adoption/Disney errands.

Mom and Dad would join Linnea-Irish in St. Peters for her graduation rehearsal that evening.

And Puck was back outside with neighborhood buds once we got home, working up a sweat after a Culver’s burger and confessions of caffeine at the Science Center.

“I had a Coke,” he told us seriously.


When Francis walked in to get back to work on the bike right around Puck’s bedtime, he was talking about his three months of intense A&P classes.

“You only have three months of school?!” Puck was flabbergasted at the idea. “I HAVE A WHOLE YEAR!”

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Jamie Larson