Another "Sweet" Sixteenth and Easter Proceedings
Sunday, April 16, 2006/Monday, April 17, 2006
Curly – sixteen years old that day. He, as OLeif, also had a special day to turn the magic number. OLeif had woken up to sixteen while in Sweden, presented with a Swedish breakfast and a pocketknife from the family with whom he was boarding. And Curly’s was on an Easter morning – the loveliest Easter Collette had seen in a long time. And it was golden.
It was another good family gathering – Snicketts, Combs, Silverspoons, and Uncle Larry. Around an early dinner of ham, potato casserole, etc., there was badminton, whiffle ball, Frisbee, foam-bat ball, and other various athleticism. And Carrie took Lucia on a photo shoot.
So with a little wild eye make-up, some green here and there to match her eyes, a leather bomber jacket, and some adjustments to her new haircut, with Great-Grandma Jewel’s old clip-ons, Lucia was quite another person – sophisticatedly 27. And as Carrie administered the make-up, Lucia became more interested in the idea.
“Yay! Let’s go.” She threw both arms up in the air, as Carrie prepared to add more.
“I just want to put this on my head and rock!” she said later, as Carrie added a hat to the number.
Lucia’s photo shoot turned out well. And Uncle Mo and Aunt Petunia both wanted copies for their offices.
Meanwhile, Curly received a set of spring birthday gifts from Grandma, including a rubber chicken, a glow-in-the-dark paddle ball, a whiffle ball set, Frisbee, and jug of blowing bubbles. He had a pickle card from OLeif and Collette which read:
“Bet you didn’t expect to get a paper (w)ickle for your birthday.”
Of course it actually read, Bet you didn’t expect to get a paper pickle for your birthday. But Jacob made it say “wickle” instead and added:
“Try as I might, I couldn’t find a wickle card.”
Or something to that effect anyway…
And for the girls Grandma brought little enameled boxes with butterflies printed in metal on the front. And Carrie received a chain-mail bracelet from the Scottish festival.
Monday afternoon, Joe and Rose had a lunch meeting at Steak ‘n Shake with OLeif (briefly, as he had a limited lunch break), Wallace, Ben-Hur, Augustus, and Molly. And then they took off for the park. Meanwhile, Collette was exhausted from having been up till two in the morning the night before. And instead of joining the escapade, she remained at the house (waiting to administer another history reading) and to draw chalk pictures on the patio with Carrie (while taking a break from her chemistry of hazardous materials class) and Linnea. And they shared a big chocolate bunny.
After a dinner of Easter leftovers (as OLeif’s meeting was canceled with Peter), Dad and Rose had their driving lesson up at the school while OLeif read L’Abri and Collette and Carrie roller bladed.