April 13
It was at two o’clock that morning that OLeif got it bad. Due to what seemed to have been an unintentional overdose of headache medication, the poor fellow lost his groceries four times before six o’clock in the morning. It was topped with a terrible headache. Sunday was canceled.
Mollie and Collette talked while Puck played with his toys. And snow fell.
By the afternoon, OLeif was feeling much better.
While he snoozed on the couch, Collette and Puck played with Puck’s toy box. Out came the pirate rubber duck. After repeating “duck” to him over and over, and tossing it in the air, Collette handed Puck the duck.
“Duh!” he cried happily, throwing it back to her.
This was repeated several times. Collette thought she would try it on something else.
“Daddy,” she said, pointing to the napping OLeif.
She said this several times. Puck smiled.
“Dah doo! Dah doo!”