April 5
It had been one of those not-too-great days. To make up for it, OLeif drove Collette and Puck to the fuel station for a strawberry-kiwi juice while Puck smacked on his cinnamon hearts.
It was nice outside, cool. Somewhat quiet. The honey bees were starting to hum around the grape hyacinth by the front porch. The tulips were almost ready to open. Collette showed him the bleeding edges of the petals. Red and yellow. Spring seemed to finally be coming, as late as it was.
While Puck napped, OLeif finished up taxes with Theodore at the Silverspoon’s.
And Collette had started to realize that week that her baby Octavian was really no longer a baby. He was growing up.
That night, Charlton Heston passed away at 84. Collette hoped that he was in a better place.
“What a noble subject. If only he had a noble king.” – El Cid