Bacon is Good

Dream Account

So maybe a wood mailbox is a bad idea anyway, but my dream implied that it becomes only more compounded when you need 22 neighborhood children to help eradicate the two gray mice who made their home inside it. Plus one little boy with black hair who drilled off Spanish to me when he thought I could speak his language well…

“Hablar ahora,” I told him slowly.

He grinned. Apparently I meant to say, “Repeat it again slowly.” But as we all know, “Hablar ahora” merely means – in real life – “Speak now”.


Real Life

I guess it still just didn’t surprise me when I woke up this morning and my hand mirror was sitting, broken, on the kitchen counter. Puck was back in the sink, this time the kitchen’s. He had dumped about ninety Matchboxes into another bath while I tried to catch up.

Who am I kidding.

While Puck was… indisposed… I only spent an hour of the morning photo copying the ancient Blueback Speller into something less… destructible… And when Puck emerged sometime later, he held up three small devotional books from the 1950’s, printed with images of the changing seasons. He relabeled these seasons for me…

“See, Mom? Thanksgiving… hibernating… and… blooming day!”


I’m all for creativity. And as long as Puck understands that these types of… behavior… are only acceptable under very specific and supervised conditions, I don’t mind. Almond-carrot-milk, for example. [Or, as Puck dubbed it – “my lemonade protein drink!”] Just like he also wanted to be called Dr. Puck sometimes.


It rained lightly.

“Mom, Crackers is babysitting a toy ball. She thinks it is her egg,” he smiled with big dimples. “It’s under her bum!”

Mom and Carrie were apparently shopping for sweaters at American Eagle for Joe and Francis with their gift cards from Martha. Boys in our family are not shoppers. Unless it comes to sweets, sports drinks, and cereals. Linnea was still baking with a moderate fever.


While Puck sorted through my pressed wood bowl of foreign coins and interesting glass marbles, a pound of bacon went into the oven for an hour. Just about perfectly crisp for sandwiches. Puck lavished himself with cucumber and tomato as well. Some say bacon is healthy. Some say veg and fruit are healthy. Can’t please everybody. Healthy or not, there’s something pretty amazing about a good bacon sandwich. If I do say so myself.

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Jamie Larson