Bacuums and Bumbles
“Lilleea! Lilleea!! Lilleea!!” Puck crooned from his crib that morning.
He and Linnea spent a few moments having a dancing vacuum party before breakfast to some fast Irish fiddling tunes in the living room.
“Dance bacuum, Lila,” Puck said happily. “Dance bacuum.”
He did the Puck bounce, up and down, with a silly little grin on his face.
Last day to be one.
He second-breakfasted over at the house on Carrie’s cinnamon raisin bread pudding, which he thought was rather marvelous.
Meanwhile, Dad and Joe were on their, what appeared to be, traditional Friday punch fight, taking swings at each other’s shoulders in the kitchen to see who would give up first. Francis would also be involved in these demonstrations.
In the mid afternoon, Linnea’s neighbor friend from down the street came over to play. The girls lugged up an enormous bag of ice from the basement for ice water, and a box of Italian ices as well. Collette partook in this snack, little strawberry pink volcanos in cups (or at least they looked like small volcanos) with Mom’s tiny silver spoons from Paris.
Meanwhile, Puck was learning all the Doctor Who vocabulary from Carrie’s book sets.
“Ood?” he asked. “Rose? Dalek?”
He was slowly becoming a Doctor Who nut.
Back at the house, Rose joined OLeif and Collette for the evening and helped Collette clean out the flower bed in the front of the house. Rose rooted out the old leaves from around the hollies.
“Oh, hello, bees,” she said happily to three buzzing bumbles. “You’ve got honey bees,” she told Collette, well-pleased.
For a few moments, Collette saw little Rose again, playing in the yard and catching bumble bees in her bare hands.
They finished up the evening with a viewing of “Seven Pounds” in the basement over torpedo subs, potato chips, and Reeses peanut butter cups.