Bananas Tabooed on Auzzie Ship & Jaw Pain Continues
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
[3:38pm] Collette found herself in a particular amount of pain, Wednesday, from her left jaw. The medication was also making her quite dizzy and tired, making her wonder if she would be able to make it to work the following day.
Meanwhile, Dad called Mom again that afternoon while Collette was asleep on the couch, with more news of his stay in Auzzieland. He had taken a ride with the rest of the Americans from the company onboard a 47-foot sailboat, where shrimp and sodas were served. The captain, however, had a paranoia of bananas. For, when one of the passengers attempted to bring along a bunch, he refused to allow the fruit to come along. And so while the bananas stayed behind, the passengers later discovered that the captain was highly superstitious of eating bananas on the seas. He had heard of several boats that had never returned to land, which had contained bananas on board. And once, while the seas were choppy around his own sailboat, he turned around to see a man eating a banana.
“What are you doing?” He asked the very surprised gentleman.
Immediately, the captain discarded all bananas overboard, and according to himself, the waves were calmed. Collette got a good chuckle over that one.
Later, Mom took Frances and Linnea over to both choirs and for Frances to visit with Jimmy to complete his “God and Country” for Cub Scouts, Joe shoved off to work, Carrie-Bri to meet with Elizabeth for chatting etc., and OLeif came over for Rose to fix them a quick dinner and they headed to junior high youth right as Mom returned with the kids and a myriad of TV dinners for the kids. They watched “Shop Around the Corner” while Collette managed some ham and bean soup, now that her jaw felt better from a burning cooling sort of cream.