Boy Stuff
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Puck practiced his own version of Tae Kwon Do during Cream of Wheat for breakfast.
He found a small tree growing in the deep crack in the street, mid-morning.
And worked on a pile of tomatoes at noon, bicycle helmet still attached to his head. Then a monster carrot…
“I think I got a tumachache, Mama. Next time, please cut it up.”
Meanwhile, OLeif was meeting Carrie and Lucia for coffee and crepes, or something like that, to discuss business matters.
The day was sort of cool, even with the sun out, and puffy beds of white clouds. Honeysuckle still unfurled on half the garden fences.
Collette surprised Puck with the possibility of a banana popcicle after Quiet Hour.
“I want to give you a hug, Mama, because you’re so beautiful!”
…A popcicle made any mama beautiful.
A little softball, per Puck’s request. He was hitting about .188 when they called it an afternoon.
Puck had also received two customized invitations in the mail the previous afternoon for Naira’s 3rd rainbow birthday party, and Anneliese’s 5th, featuring superheros. Averaging three birthday parties a year wasn’t so bad for a first-year Kindergartner.
He had also begun hand-writing his own story with magic markers, as part of his daily lessons. The first page read:
A cow went up the hill to fetch a pail of stew.
Because his family was hungry, I think.
After Collette mixed up a pan of brownies in advance for movie night, Puck had concerns at dinner…
“Mama. Mama? Seems to me… Seems to me I got some egg juice on my… my pants.”
Rose called in about kitten pictures…
“I’m such a weird cat lady now,” she sighed.
Collette wormed through the development of another short story later into the night until OLeif returned from Man Summit.