Ch. 196; Vol. 10

“Come on, Puck. Time to read Grandpa’s devotion.”

“Ok, Mom! Read it while I LIFT WEIGHTS!”

Lift weights: flat on his back on unswept linoleum hoisting an antique kitchen chair into the air with his feet.

Why I own anything older than three years… mystery.


“What now?”

I removed yellow rubber gloves from dish suds and entered the living room.

Puck had already begun to wrap red yarn – from the huge yarn ball – around the living room and kitchen. In the process, part of my painted wood candlestick had cracked off. This was expected.

“Puck, you can’t hold the bugle during math. Put in on the table.”

“Well, Mom, I just have to have my whispering trumpet so if you’re on the phone, I can talk to you.”

Whispering Trumpet.


“Let’s pray for lunch, Puck.”

My son decked all in red spilled out his usual run-on…

“Dear Jesus thank You for this food it’s so delicious the end.”


The bugle made more music after lunch.


Sick, elephant.

He wasn’t much interested in Quiet Hour… no surprise.

“Want to play Ram the Truck, Mom?”

“Not now, Puck. Go back.”

He retreated to his room. Although somehow he managed to cajole me into letting him retrieve the mail and tote the garbage can back up the driveway with a rope. I’m a sucker for chores getting done, I guess…

“That’s great, man. But you have to go back to your room now.”

“Ok, Mom.”


Two minutes later – creak of Puck’s bedroom door…


“Ok, Puck. Show me quick.”

“Look! If I suck all the air out of this trumpet, it keeps the ball bear-y-en [bearing] from falling out!”


“Great, pal. Now back to your room.”

Two minutes later: door creak…

“Mom! Just tell me which marble you want me to put in the trumpet. These are mooood marbles. This is the ‘silver bright’, this is the ‘brudder [brother] of the silver’, this is the ‘blue and white beautiful diamond’, this it the ‘sky blue’s brudder’, this is the ‘night sky with all the stars… in it and all the planets’, this is ‘the marble that you can see through’, this is the ‘sun’, and this is the ‘jupiter one’.”

“Cool. Go back now.”

Two minutes later – door creak…

“What now?”

“I have a mood marble that means I want Crackers.”

He stuffed the meowing bundle into his arms and deposited her back in his room…

“Ooooh! I forgot to get a mood marble that means I’m irritated with Crackers!”

As for myself personally, I needed an “I’m getting pretty frustrated with my first grader and could really go for some peanut butter cups right now” marble.

But I had laundry to dry and burrito bowls to make.



Those burrito bowls quickly transformed into all homemade: restaurant style bacon-egg-pepper-jelly-burgers with guacamole, and moon pies at the Silverspoon’s, all prepared by Curly. Storm-packed skies: artist canvas. Curly organized the remaining details of the meal…

“Want a leaf on your burger, Puck?”

Some plunking in the old music room.

It was summer.


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Jamie Larson