Chips for Dinner
Chips for Dinner
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Monday evening, OLeif, Collette, and Puck drove over to Maryland Heights, where OLeif’s old friend and boss was having email trouble. Mr. Stallone was jolly and talked with OLeif long after he had greeted the happy bouncing Puck, the email had been fixed, and Puck had been given his dinner in the parking lot.
On the way home, they dropped by QT for sodas, honey barbecued Fritos twists, Lay’s baked potato chips, and mozzarella string cheese – excellent dinner. Puck snoozed on the way home while they listened to what OLeif called “Bare Necessities on steroids”.
Collette spent the rest of the evening reading on the forming of the Old Testament and New Testament canons while OLeif prepared a Sunday School lesson on animism.
Puck spent most of his Tuesday eating his thumb, singing to his toes, and expanding his fuzzies collection – his favorite pasttime.
No foreigner may enter within the barricade which surrounds the temple and enclosure. Anyone who is caught doing so will have himself to thank for his ensuing death.
– inscription on 1st century temple