Clean & Pack
“Come on in,” our Sunday School teacher encouraged some later arrivals. “We have lots of prime real estate here.”
It was Memorial Day weekend, which meant numbers were a little on the low side. In fact, only about half of the Snicketts tribe made it to services that morning, also excluding Joe and Jaya who were celebrating their 1st wedding anniversary.
Also got the last grape juice wagon-circled by the wine during communion. It’s always a good Sunday if there’s one grape juice left in the plate.
Home for the afternoon. Everyone had things to do before the great drive down south early the next morning. A day on the road, a day at the beach, two at Disney, one on the beach, drive back home. Eleven persons in one big gold-ish Joy Bus. Seating arrangements had apparently already been calculated for optimal riding experience.
Meanwhile, I got busy stuffing a small duffle bag with all the items Puck and I would need for the next week – I like to travel light – and Oxbear scrubbed up the kitchen for me.
That was about the time I got an email about those stupid visas. I was pretty steamed.
The things you learn you have to do that you never knew you had to do. I could only hope there was some mix-up. Anyways, I decided not to think about it again until we got back from Disney next week. After all, what can I do about a day trip to the Colombian Consulate in Chicago when I’m 1,000 miles away in Florida?
Come later afternoon, Carrie-Bri texted the usual sibling group about the tornado watch in the area. It’s our family duty to remind each other about the excitement of impending natural disasters whenever possible.
Finally the rain came around 6:30. Puck was already in his clothes for the next day. No sense in making him change out of his jams at three o’clock in the morning.
As soon as he was tucked in, Francis and Izzy got working on the bike in the garage while Oxbear and I holed up downstairs with a little “Moone Boy” and some cold peach Izzes, watching the radar for the fun of it. Hoping for something good.