Computer Trouble
Mom had left early that morning for Texas with Grandma Combs. When Collette arrived at the house, there was a baby lawn sprinkler in the shape of a chubby yellow duck sitting on the counter for Puck, from Grandma.
“Duck! Duck!” he cried, when he saw it, and carried it with him into the living room.
There were computer malfunctions that morning.
“What did you kids do to this thing while I was gone?” Carrie boomed from across the house.
No one knew for certain, but it was suspected that Linnea had unintentionally contracted the virus while playing computer monster games on the internet. As a result, a rough morning ensued.
“I can’t get a single thing done without my files,” Carrie said in frustration.
By the end of the day, the situation was still unresolved.
In good news, however, Joe’s new biking shoes arrived in a wet cardboard box, rushed through the afternoon rain. Carbon fiber soles. Joe was ready to get down to some serious bike riding.
Meanwhile, Rose was in the living room. She had taken a break from the studies to whittle a large white candle into a flashlight while everyone watched Mom’s new second season of Tales From Avonlea. And the rain continued to pour.