Day #019
“Quarantine” Day #019
- Have dreams of purchasing earrings at a gas station (lots of turquoise and silver, some shaped like long thin spoons hanging down to the shoulder)
- Mid-morning, hear Yali hammering something in his room for awhile; decide not to investigate
- Take Yali and Patience on a creek walk; find lots of (what appears to be) petrified wood
- Puck and Yali have water gun fight in the yard before dinner, which basically presents as Puck dousing Yali with his water blaster while Yali runs around screaming with joy
- Oxbear helps kids hunt for worms in the old garden from previous home owners, preparing for hopeful first-time fishing experience Saturday afternoon
- On my nightly perusal of the yard for any personal effects left outdoors, I discover : pairs of both boys’ shoes, Patience’s unicorn bubble bath bottle, a bag of half-eaten BBQ Lay’s, and Puck’s deodorant