Day #023

“Quarantine” Day #023

  1. Sweep up dried mud tracked through house
  2. Take Yali and Patience on two-hour, two mile hike at Babler State Park (meet hardly anyone on the trail); listen to the kids lightly argue over who sweats more
  3. Sweep up dried mud tracked through house
  4. Crackers, the cranky old cat, mauls Puck’s arm for no apparent reason; he threatens to make her an outdoors-only cat
  5. Sweep up dried mud tracked through house
  6. Hang out with Carrie-Bri on front porch of the Big House till after dark, catching up on feuding of the East Side
  7. Sweep up dried mud tracked through house




“Mom! Come quick!” Yali motioned me with a hand from the doorway. “It’s a dead bee, a dead bee. Very sad. He’s a very dead bee. He’s dead, he’s dead.”


A few minutes later, I was attending a bumblebee funeral.

“I can’t believe this is happening. This is breaking my heart,” Yali said sadly, as I put an arm around his shoulder.

“I know. I’m sorry, Yali… What’s his name?”

Yali paused. “Dead Bee.”

Later, he asked for assistance with the tombstone when spelling out “heaven”, red magic marker on a small cement slab. By this time, Dead Bee had been upgraded to Buzzy Bee. Buzzy’s memory would live on.

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Jamie Larson