Day #025

“Quarantine” Day #025

  1. Take Yali and Patience back to the creek for more treasures; Patience manages to stumble and/or fall into the cold spring-fed water four or five times; begin to lose count…
  2. Begin watching “Spectre” with Oxbear over dinner while all kids are – miraculously – otherwise occupied, except for the six times Patience interrupts, requesting further dinner courses




Yali, explaining his creations to me that evening…

“Mom, you know what I do when I build Legos? I see the Legos. And I see the map in my brain.” He paused to tap the side of his head. “And I think, ‘Hmm.’ And then I build it. And I build so many wonderful things. And I keep on building until I finish the whole thing. And whenever I want to play, I keep on building stuff. And then I just take the map and put it in my pocket and save it for later. And I have other maps in my pocket.”

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Jamie Larson