31 : Day Ten
Theodore was leaving for a week in Texas that morning. Puck watched him pack up to go.
“I guess he needs a break,” I heard him say from the other room. “We’ve overstayed our welcome.”
Day ten and counting.
Before Theodore walked out the door, he turned to Oxbear and chuckled, “Well, as I used to tell you when you were a kid, you’re the man of the house now.”
While the boys lolled around in the living room before church, Puck contemplated our upcoming trip to the Science Center.
“Well, Mom, I’m not sure if all the other kids in my class are that interested in science. I might be the only one. I’m pretty pumped about science.”
After church, Rose joined the family at the Big House, just hours returned from a week in Colorado. Amongst her gifts to the boys was a small bottle of “genuine gold” flakes, whirling around like a snow globe. This was a huge hit with Puck.
“Maybe we can start to generate gold,” he speculated later that afternoon. “Or diamonds. Then we can make whole houses out of diamond walls. Except, I guess that might be a problem if we had showers made out of diamonds, because then people could see through them. That… wouldn’t be too good.”
Then Rose pulled up her hundreds of photos from the trip on the television. And in true Rose form, about half of those photos were of curiosities such as ancient miner’s tin cans and bones. Just like the petrified human shoulder blade she dug up on an island in the Bahamas. Or something like that.
Puck waved me off from the Silverspoon’s that evening. Big blonde boy, growing by the pounds and by the inches every week, it seems. Saturday night he crunched through an entire cucumber about the size of his forearm before bedtime. “Second dinner”. I’ll take it. Nothing worse than having to force the veggies.
It was just before 10pm when Carrie-Bri and I sat down at the Big House to record a live joint podcast with another Cardinals podcaster up in Iowa. “Guest co-hosts.” Baseball talk just doesn’t get old. Even if the season isn’t looking so hot.