December 2
That morning, gray and cool, Francis got to the math books early. He tried to concentrate, but the distraction of twirling Mom’s little glass Christmas bulb ornaments like tops on the dining table, (which spun for an amazing amount of time), was too much, until Collette told him not to touch them again.
Meanwhile, Linnea and Puck were very busy with a full set of watercolors at the kitchen table. Puck was enthralled with this project, dressed up in Rose’s old ‘BUGS’ t-shirt, and spent upwards of an hour working on his masterpiece, until the glass of paint water spilled onto the floor, which gave him a bit of a giggle.
He later pulled in his go-cart from Grandma Combs and asked permission to draw on it (which he equated to ‘working on it’) with ‘chog’ (chalk) and ‘crams’ (crayons).
And Mom prepared egg salad for lunch.
In the afternoon, Creole arrived once again for more work. This was followed with their weekly tour to Dairy Queen. This time they walked just before a splash of cold rain hit the neighborhood. And Creole had been wearing shorts, as usual.