December 2

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Time to decide the World Cup for 2018 and 2022, supposedly at 9:00 and 10:00 CST, respectively. In Zurich.

But first…

The morning began with a bowl of blueberries and pomegranate for Puck.

OLeif shared a few selections from the band that one of his buddies played in: Jon Hardy and the Public: A Hard Year.

At 9:41 the first announcement came.

Collette guessed that it would be Russia.

It was Russia.

At 9:47, the second: Qatar.

That was quite a shocker. Qatar always seemed to bid for world games. And finally they got it.

Meanwhile, Puck, completely oblivious to the world of football, was hopping around the house in his ‘potato sack’ (pillow case).

Luke and Leia arrived in the cold 39.2 degrees Fahrenheit weather to play ball in the backyard.

Meanwhile, OLeif was off to a ministry lunch at the seminary, presenting topics of Demonic Forces, given by Dr. Winter.

And, during Collette’s own lunch, due to her ridiculous sense of smell, or lack thereof, she seemed to think that her peanut butter tasted more like flowers in one bite, and then paprika in the next.

In other news…

Further genealogical discoveries of the afternoon revealed a relation to Priam of Troy.

And Rose had an interview in Clayton at two.

That evening, Puck was getting slightly slap-happy.

“How old are you, Puck?” Collette asked him.

“I’m seven o’clock.”

“The Bible is like a magnificent palace constructed of precious oriental stone, comprising sixty-six stately chambers. Each one of these rooms is different from its fellows and is perfect in its individual beauty while together they form an edifice incomparable majestic glorious and sublime. In the Book of Genesis we enter the vestibule where we are immediately introduced to the records of the mighty works of God in creation. This vestibule gives access to the law courts, passing through which we come to the picture gallery of the historical books. Here we find hung on the wall scenes of battles, heroic deeds and portraits of valiant men of God. Beyond the picture gallery we find the philosophers chamber, the Book of Job, passing through which we enter the music room, the Book of Psalms, and here we linger thrilled by the grandest harmonies that ever fell on human ears. And then we come to the business office, the Book of Proverbs, in the very center of which stands the motto, righteousness exalteth a nation but sin is a reproach to any people. Leaving the business office we pass into the research department, Ecclesiastes. Then into the conservatory, the Song of Solomon where greet us the fragrant aroma of choicest fruits and flowers and the sweetest singing of birds. When we reach the observatory where the prophets with their powerful telescopes are looking for the appearing of the Bright and Morning Star, prior to the dawning of the Son of righteousness. Crossing the courtyard we come to the audience chamber of the King, the gospels where we find four life like portraits of the King Himself revealing the perfections of His infinite beauty. And next we enter the workroom of the Holy Spirit, the Book of Acts, and beyond the correspondence room, the epistles where we see Paul and Peter and James and John and Jude, busy at their tables under the personal direction of the Spirit of Truth. And finally we enter the throne room, the Book of Revelation, and there we are enraptured by the mighty volume of adoration and praise addressed to the enthroned King which fills the vast chamber. While in the adjacent galleries and judgment hall there are portrayed solemn scenes of doom and wondrous scenes of glory associated with the coming manifestation of the King of kings and the Lord of lords.”

— an architect’s view of the Bible, John MacArthur, “How to Study the Bible”, sermon #1382, 7/22/1979

Post 2014

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Jamie Larson