December 29
Linnea had requested a visit to Target for the day to stock up on some essentials for her trip to Iowa. So Collette took her and Puck out in the sunny cold morning of a late December day. After they had collected batteries, toothpaste, and Smackers chapstick, etc., Linnea promised Puck a pretzel from the snack bar. They shared it on the way home — Puck was very happy and chomped through at least two-thirds of it himself.
Meanwhile, as Linnea looked through the boxes of winter attire for a suitable hat to bring with her, Puck found the black fur Russian hat. He managed to wedge it onto his head and then climbed up to the mirror to inspect himself. He seemed somewhat pleased with his looks.
In the afternoon, Carrie climbed up onto the roof with a pile of paperwork, tea, and sun-in to take a frigid sun bath. When she returned half an hour later, her hands were red and as cold as ice cubes. She warmed up by finishing off the series finale of Hamish MacBeth with Collette, who was to see it for the first time. The death of TV John was a sad thing.
Back home, OLeif left to join his family for a brief photo snap with his brothers for an upcoming gig. But before he departed, he shaved down his facial hair to a mere mustache. Collette had not condoned this look on him; however, he pleaded for it on behalf of the photo shoot, which was to mirror tintypes from the nineteenth century.