December 29th, 2024
Dreams, too many dreams, and a racing heart… fixing dozens of tunafish sandwiches at a stadium, worried about the mayonnaise in the sun…
Nine o’clock service…
Oxbear still a little laryngitis-ed…
Patience in her new Barbie-pink jumper with the buttons quietly humming “in excelsis Deo” during the sermon while rummaging through her purse…
Puck texts : “Get the greasy sandwich from that donut sho[p]”…
Yali raging about pinewood derbies and art contests after leaving church… in no mood for creativity… returning to his bow-and-arrow set from Nana and Papa restores his mood…
Pepsi for Mama…
A little haunting Medieval Christmas music at home (everyone else is wearing some kind of headphone; they don’t have to “suffer” through it… no one likes my music much) before Oxbear brings the young ones to St. Peters and Puck leaves for work
Mama cleans and cleans until dinner… taking breaks with notebooks and Peter Ustinov in “Evil Under the Sun”