Demon Cat

Thursday, August 10, 2006

At work that day, Rosemary had given Ivy a large Max kitty magnet to stick on her filing cabinet. Judah took one look at it and said:

That’s scary!”

What?” Ivy said.

It’s scary.”

Beverly howled. “How is that scary?”

It’s just scary. It has demon eyes. Rrrrrr.”


It’s scary.”

It’s cute!”

Cute?” Judah sounded uncertain. “It’s scary.”

Ivy decided to take advantage of the situation and cut a thought bubble out of bright green paper. After consulting with Rosemary and Nicodemus, she took Nicodemus’ advice and wrote the magnetic kitty’s thoughts on the bubble and taped it above the kitty. Judah walked in sometime later to read the cat’s thoughts:

Judah, look deep into my eyes…”

Despite being creeped out, Judah laughed.

Back on the ranch, OLeif helped Joe and Wallace move the old green couch into the basement in preparation for Mom’s new chair and leather couch arriving the next day. In the kitchen, Frances baked a triple chocolate chip cake in preparation to cook for “125 scouts”, as he put it.

Meanwhile, Rose (in her fuzzy pink robe, striped green pants, red shirt, and shorts with a bacon and eggs pattern) tortured the black cat. Mom was horrified with Rose’s appearance.

Rose, what are you wearing? You didn’t even comb your hair.”

I don’t care,” Rose laughed over her glasses.

Mom, she wouldn’t even dress up for the prince of England.”

Well, I might put on eye liner,” Rose said.

He is eligible,” Collette teased.

Yeah, we can picture Rose married to the prince of England,” Mom switched to Rose accent: “Hello! Welcome to Buckingham Palace. Go away. I don’t like you. Come see my pugs!”

I would make a good queen,” Rose smiled proudly.

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Jamie Larson