Doggy Depression?
Thursday, April 7, 2011
In which a whole manner of things come up to handle…
OLeif departed late that morning, nearing nine o’clock, to catch up on some lost sleep after enjoying theological discussions later into the night with his guys’ group in the city.
The morning began with the ever-continued Itzhak Perlman, eggs, bacon, and fresh air from open windows, green spring buds, light to moderate chirping, and half-gray skies.
Meanwhile for the morning…
Collette packed OLeif for the weekend.
Half-ham into the oven.
A family emergency had canceled Mom’s and Dad’s Bed & Breakfast reservation in Bath. So Collette and Carrie quickly researched further options in the already crowded city.
Pork steaks marinated for supper.
Puck sat on a flock of grape hyacinth and fully smashed them all.
“I’m sorry, Mama,” he said dejectedly, holding up the carnage. “I didn’t really mean to. Poor plants. Poor flower. Isn’t that pretty really sad? I squashed them.”
When the kids arrived…
“I asked Leia who she plays with when she comes over here, ‘Mrs. Silverspoon or Puck’,” said Leia’s Mom, “and she replied, ‘Mrs. Puck.’”
Linnea, appealingly freckled in time for the spring, busied herself clearing out the rest of the landscaping while the boys rolled around in the leaves, hunted out ant hot spots, and rolled the grass seeder around the yard. A chilled breeze walk, wherein Leia fell asleep.
And then Collette received a call towards the three o’clock hour from Luke’s and Leia’s mom. She was at the emergency room with one of her middle sons who had received a head injury on the playground and could only see up to six inches in front of one of his eyes…
Pork steaks in the oven, potatoes on to boil…
S’mores following dinner for Linnea and Puck, the fire being started by aid of canola oil and crumpled rough drafts of Bluebell South’s choir memory book.
Trooper diagnosed with ‘doggy depression’, seeing as Dad was out of the country for a week by that time and the old timer had some sort of infection to boot…
Francis had been hired at The Green Lantern.
Rose had another interview scheduled for the following week.
Purchased a lime-green automatic ice cream maker to avoid further Dairy Queen vice in future…
Bath for the very dirty Puckster.
“But I cannot splash in there,” he said seriously, “’Cause that would give me a big water choke. Right?”
As the evening changed over and the sound of lawn mowers hazed in through open windows, dark violet-blue and gray filled the southwest against the quiver of tulip and white blossomed trees.
Luke’s and Leia’s brother, after several hours at the ER, had been released shortly following the dinner hour with returned 20/20 and a headache…
Linnea read Medieval tales for class while Collette continued the tedious entering of thousands of names into the glossary, rewarding herself with cashews. Half a cashew per entered name.
Then the film version of Mansfield Park.
OLeif returned by nine.
And Francis’ braces were returned to his teeth. The orthodontists seemed to be somewhat baffled by it…