Driving north
First snow of the season leaving several inches through the day in St. Louis as we leave for Chicago, “Onion” joining the journey…
Flatlands and giant white windmills of central Illinois through light snow
Peruse painted classic Hungarian tulip patterns
Conversation including… “cultish” childhood circles, bow hunting, the taste of gator meat, rancor of today’s educational systems/expectations from childhood to adulthood, restoring cast iron
Rose learning Mandarin on her tablet, writing in her journal
Texting with Puck… “spun out” getting onto the highway coming back from J’s, made it home alright
Pause at Wally’s for Rolos and coffee and things
Detour to visit the three places Oxbear lived in St. Charles, Illinois, although the big old farmhouse on the horse farm is gone now
Hotel waiting for rehearsal…
Reading Richard Twiss book loaned by Onion, with a McDonald’s Coke on the side
Patience hits practice hard, looking sharp with all her buddies
Deep dish pizza split between all of us back at our hotel with discussion on the situation at the Mexican border