Fair Fare

Saturday, August 20, 2011
In which a festival is visited and fair food is most happily, and greedily, consumed…

The morning began with light rain, wind, and the occasional flash of lightening.
And Puck’s comments…
“It’s too deckilet [delicate].”
Or when Collette told him that she would make him Eggs-in-a-Nest (or ‘French Eggs’, as he called them) for breakfast, he wanted to know…
“Is there hay in it?”
Perpetually twitching eyelid.
Then, after six months of international and exotically adventurous travel, Collette and Puck worked on renewing Donkey’s passport so that he could return from the deepest jungles of Africa in three days.
After a 30-minute indoor walk for Collette, and before leaving for the morning, OLeif schooled his brains for his final to be taken that night. Then he and Puck watched a hedgehog take a bath…

After tortellini at the Silverspoon’s for Puck and Fantastic Mr. Fox
A call from Rose. Uncle Balthasar had been quoted in the Post Dispatch and St. Louis Magazine… something about turning the Peabody Opera House into a parking garage… well, he was most likely right anyway about the renovations being an unnecessary expense of 80 million dollars.

After the film, Theodore and OLeif picked up Izzy’s bike to drop off at the dorm. Gloria, Collette, and Puck joined up with them not long later. Shouting and cheering from maybe the soccer field hidden behind the other buildings. Izzy and German were inside: a dorm not much smaller than OLeif’s and Collette’s first apartment. Fourth-floor views of the rest of the campus. Pick-up some books at the book exchange, and gone again. As nice as the campus had become, Collette found herself still very happy that she had not spent her college years on campus. There was something… unsettling about it. Very closed off.

The Festival of the Little Hills.
As they arrived, the sky just then became pulled over in dark grays and blues, sending a pleasant shade over the cobblestones. Someone asked if Puck was Collette’s brother; flattering… The street vendors were hopping as usual. A table covered in rings crafted of silver spoon handles. Sounded like bells when sifted. Lemonade for Puck. Down to the river for Puck to throw things into the water. Theodore received an attachment-piece for the inside of his hat in exchange for purchasing the vendor a hard lemonade. When he brought it back for her…
“She said she loved me,” said Theodore with a laugh.
“Well aren’t you cute,” said Gloria, “but I’ll just hold your hand as we walk by again.”
And the best bit: funnel cake. O, the funnel cake. Theodore offered a second; Collette resisted the temptation. And ‘freshly fried’ (as Theodore put it) Oreos. Surprisingly good.
Back to the Silverspoon’s. Quick bath for Puck. And bacon, and fruit and banana smoothies.

OLeif took his Christian Ethics final that night before helping Kitts order shoes for the fall with his family discount.

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Jamie Larson