Family Recipe
Tuesday, December 14, 2004
And so it had come time again for another choir Christmas concert, this one to be held at First Baptist Church of St. Peters. It would be Carrie-Bri’s last Christmas performance, and Collette believed that even she would be feeling the nostalgic sentimentality of the whole evening. Naturally there was still the spring concert to come, as well as the madrigal dinner, and solo/ensemble festival. However, there was something about coming down to the last semester of high school… and those concerts were a place where everyone met back together again. People you might not have seen in years, would come back. And then there would be more Christmas cookies and punch afterward. The sponsor church had been so very patient over the years with all the noise and stains from muddy tracks and spilled punch.
Then to breakfast, she thought. A chocolate covered glazed donut with chocolate crème filling. And one day, she would learn to make the sizzling golden crispy donuts her great-grandma had made so often back in the old days, during the depression. Mom said they were absolutely the most tasty thing in the world. Family recipes were always the best, from long ago, and kept relatively secret.