February 13th, 2025
The world is sun on snow again...
Day three of “head cold symptoms” finally takes me down... for a little while anyway...
While I hit an ibuprofen, Oxbear meets a buddy for breakfast for a couple of hours... picks up milk and breakfast sandwiches on the way home...
Officially quarantine myself from Patience for the morning... back in my room reading on the Baptist's view of baptism, and the Island of Saba during breakfast...
Puck hits another work-out in the basement... then comes up to argue with me over the popularity of the mustache in recent decades...
Patience click-clacks through her dances on a sheet of shower pan liner also in the basement...
And Yali giggles over his tablet from his own quarantine down the hall...
Sitting around under my avocado chenille blanket and a layer of “slightly dazed”, manage the finances and listen in on a scheduled video call with Oxbear at noon...
Puck has a five-hour shift in Produce...
Patience helps out with laundry and dishes and practicing bun styles in her hair...
And Yali is somehow asking for McDonald's from his bunkbed...
Right after Oxbear and Patience leave for the studio that evening... Yali erupts with a massive nosebleed... after working on that for about fifteen minutes... “I think I'm going to throw up” … forty-five minutes later he's happily sitting on the couch watching SpongeBob with a McDonald's cheeseburger...
Puck returns from work at eight to bark like a grumpy old man about the lack of clean forks in the house...
And Patience camps out on the couch for a third night...