February 21st, 2025
Dreams... French parachutist looking for the island of Vanuatu... in Missouri...
Early morning... gray cat galloping over me chased by the yellow cat knocking over books in her escape... Patience comes into my room in the six o'clock hour requesting fruit roll-ups...
A carload of us leaves for the Science Center before ten... popcorn, slushies, and “Blue Angels” at the Omnimax... though an impressive film, Puck's first comments at the exit are... “The amount of money the U.S. military spends on entertainment...”
On the drive back Yali and Patience get sleepy in the back of a warm car while Puck and I argue higher education reform and population/literacy rates of early America...
Puck leaves mid-afternoon to pick up J and drive out to Hidden Valley for maybe the last time of the season... those slopes are going to get slushy soon...
And Patience is back at the studio for an hour private lesson...
Return to find what looks like milk in the sink, but it's paint (the boys have been working on the Stormtrooper helmets)... Yali is laughing and coughing loudly, gaming online with cousin Ja... and Patience finds deer in the yard as a gold-and-cream light fades down in the west...
Elmer and Irish arrive for movie night : taco bowls with smoked chicken and rice, Girl Scout cookies, and episodes of Japanese obstacle courses and some fun laughs with “Frasier”...