February 23rd, 2025

Meet the kids and Gloria at church that morning... returned from a short weekend of brownies and UNO...

While Oxbear pulls a cup of coffee before Bible study... missed text/call/voicemail/email from the water company... another emergency water main break across the street... “Is someone doing this on purpose?” Puck texts...

After another Galatians study session, Patience returns with Gloria to attend her cousin's dance/play program in the afternoon...

Driving home Oxbear grabs me a box of Dierbergs sushi and a pack of Pepsi before he goes out of town for the larger part of the next two weeks...

Home where the dog has discovered a mostly-empty box of Girl Scout cookies on the counter and shredded the packaging across the living room floor... she's hiding under Oxbear's desk...

Water awkwardly surges back on around noon...

While Oxbear takes the Civic out for an oil change and grabs a reissued corporate card being held for him at UPS... I get him packed up for Colorado...

As Puck prepares to leave for work, Yali and I deliver Oxbear to the airport for his flight to Denver...

Returning home, find Patience just dropped off with a home-baked two-layer chocolate cake she made with Gloria... Yali goes face-first into the wedge Patience cuts for him; he approves...

Then Patience decides to join Theodore, Gloria, and cousin C back out in St. Peters for another couple of hours while Yali gets busy with Minecraft and Harry Potter and so much LEGO play in the basement...

And a glowing ombre settles into the evening as I spend a little time in conversation with Yali... one of his big worries these days is being “short”...

When Puck returns from work, he's so impressed by Patience's brownies, he takes two and tells her to hide the others or he might eat them all...

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Jamie Larson