February 7
It was time to celebrate Dad’s birthday.
After everyone had returned from the three collective services, Grandma Snicketts and Grandma Combs were also present in time for roast, potato casserole, and roasted squashes. And a cookie dough Dairy Queen ice cream cake.
Grandma Combs greeted Dad with a song:
“Darling, you are growing older…”
When gathered around the table, Mom told Dad that he could do anything that he wanted because it was his birthday.
“Well, it’s not anymore,” said Grandma Snicketts, bringing on a laugh.
During the cake, Dad was gifted some green by both the grandmas and a pair of fire-blazing socks from Grandma Combs.
“That’s for when you go running,” she said, “burning up the track!”
And from the family, using Dad’s funds of course, he and Mom would be going to Celtic Women in March at the Fox.
Grandma had also brought other gifts: bags of almonds, a collapsable Greek/Roman picture cube, boxes of candy hearts, sour Jelly Bellies, and Reeses peanut butter cups.
They had a few hours of conversation around the living room before both grandmas headed home for the evening and honey barbecue chicken wings, pizza rolls, and brie tarts were prepared for the Super Bowl.