Getting Ready for School
This morning, I heard the shower switch on. None of the boys were scheduled for a shower. And certainly neither one of my sons ever volunteers for one. So I had to check this out.
There was Gus, in his boxers, standing in the tub, bathing a large fossil-packed rock he unearthed at Rose’s farm yesterday evening.
“I meant to just turn on the bathtub, not the shower,” he explained.
I didn’t bother asking why he was cleaning a rock instead of getting dressed for school. Maybe because I was distracted by Yali wrestling Oxbear in the hallway, punching one fist into his little brown hand declaring with great intensity that he was a “POTATO HEAD GORILLA!”
I’m not sure who won that match because I was busy doing real work, like hiding the chocolate bars before Yali found them later in the day when I least expected it.