Glitter in the Hair
Friday, November 4, 2005
(6:47am) After two showers, the glitter finally seemed to be disappearing from OLeif’s beard and hair, although Collette had seen a bit of it stashed among the pillows Thursday morning. Jimmy also, had been seen in the office with glitter on his face and in his hair. Apparently the youth had had a jolly good time dumping a pile of such glitter over OLeif’s head.
Lace Hobcoggin dropped by the office in a frazzle that Friday morning (running from one thing to the next), with a boxful of brochures (which she had volunteered to fold for the bulletin) and a thick bar of dark chocolate for Mom from Trader Joe’s.
Stephanie Buttercup and Freja Toast dropped by later to fold the bulletin. Collette thought that Freja was just about the cutest thing she’d ever seen. She hurried in with her little handbag wearing a cool white sweater, her blond hair bobbed sweetly. She had the most delicate features and she had been diagnosed with a rare form of blood disease when she had been a younger girl, while in France (if Collette had heard correctly), and there was currently no cure. She was so friendly, and often helped out the youth girls, leading them in a monthly Bible study, packaging warm drink mixes for them at Christmas, &tc.
“As long as there are postmen, life will have zest.” – William James