Over at the house, Puck was busy carrying around a bottle of mustard from the fridge. He felt very important doing this.
And Rose was busy doing laundry. She lumbered through the kitchen with an enormous pile of laundry tucked under her arms.
“You look like the hunchback of Notre Dame,” said Mom.
“I do not!” came Rose’s predictable reply.
Not long later, Rose left for first day of work at Olga’s kitchen.
Meanwhile, Colette and Linnea began to play light air frisbee in the living room with Puck acting as monkey in the middle.
He became more successful as the game continued, when Francis intervened and lifted him onto his shoulders. But it ended after Francis accidentally swiped Linnea’s hands with the kitchen mop, in an effort to catch the frisbee in midair.
The highlight of the day, by far, came at around five o’clock that evening. On the way to drop off Collette and Puck at home,Mom drove Francis and Joe to OLeif’s work in order to pick up two go-carts which Francis had just purchased from OLeif’s boss, Wallace. Francis was visibly enthusiastic after testing out the go-cart on the parking lot. He had just arrived in 13-year-old boy heaven.
And that evening, OLeif made a run for the border to White Castle for a bag of cheeseburgers and Lemon Pepsi.