God is Great, God is Good
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
(17:32pm) Theodore’s 57th birthday, and the morning had begun a little rough. Actually, it was gray and beautiful with a short cool bite to the wind. But after breakfast, the troubles of the morning had been resolved and there was laughter over tomato soup and freshly baked buttered bread for lunch. The English children soon arrived – Eleda, Justus, Leia, and Jules. And Collette was delighted to be able to see precious little Jules Vernes for the very first time! After being arrived home for two months, she was finally able to see him and hold him, though he cried a bit at first. He had a quiet cry and warmed to her as she carried him a bit. And gallant Mom sat outside with them all and had a small campfire while Mrs. English was off teaching band and the other older English children were at choir and college classes. So it was an afternoon to babysit and the kids enjoyed playing outside and making s’mores (left over from the bonfire the evening before where the following had made an appearance: Molly (and her mother for a while – she then left to get back to the laundry), Tennessee, Wally and Izzy (and Denae who also stayed awhile around the campfire with Grandma, Mom, and Carrie-Bri), Boy, and Evrain (who had just had his teeth pulled and was recovering from the morphine).
All in all, it was a pleasant relaxed afternoon. And Collette spent a good deal of it praying and reading “Mitford.” There was so much to thank God for, and many other things of which she brought to Him in her own concerns and petitions. It amazed Collette more and more just how amazing their God was to them all in His incredible mercy and love.