Home Day
Tuesday, 2.22.2011
In which nothing much of anything takes place…
Puck seemed pretty much his old self that morning, and waking at a more convenient hour of 6:30.
He got busy hunting bowls out of the kitchen cupboards which he proceeded to turn upside-down on the bed.
“These are rat traps,” he said seriously behind his red lip, reminiscent of the Charlie Chaplin mustache.
When Francis and Linnea arrived on their own for math that morning, Francis was getting somewhat miffed with his braces.
“They keep extending your time, don’t they?” Collette asked.
“Well, there won’t be another extension,” said Francis, very determined.
“Is that what they told you?”
“Nope. I’m just going to schedule them to be removed.”
“Nope. I’m just going to schedule them to be removed.”
Before leaving, Puck had found a computer cord and attached it to Francis’ belt loop, holding on for dear life.
“I don’t want you to go because I love you,” he explained.
Puck was ready for another nap that afternoon. His face was chapped from the cold, and still red and somewhat cracked and rather sore, so Collette covered the red spots with vegan strawberry chapstick composed chiefly of various oils, given to him by Carrie-Bri, and he gladly took to his little bed for the better part of an hour.
While he napped, Collette continued the endless endeavor of the genealogy while listening to A Tramp Abroad.
Into the bath once again for the little man.
“Look! My goosebumps are going away,” he announced, as he was fed slices of Honduran banana.
The young prince.
It was time to resurrect the old lasagne recipe, after Collette had regretfully laid it to rest the previous summer after OLeif had been told to leave off the carbs until his ‘little friend’ had departed. It was a semi-successful homecoming. Oven-ready lasagne noodles were never an A grade in Collette’s book. But when the pantry presented over-ready noodles, you took what you got.
Chipper Puck down for the night with his Bible and Donkey, shining, dimpled, red-faced little man.
OLeif returned to make peanut butter cookies, one of Collette’s favorites. Flour everywhere.
Collette researched cheap international flights.
SNL, to enjoy a quiet evening.