Hopeful Rain Gone Bad
Friday, July 29, 2011
In which there are further activities of interest to four year-olds in boxes…
Back on the ranch…
Wild Huckleberry Taffy on the counter.
“Collette?” Francis asked — shining grin. “There are eggs in the kitchen… And bread.”
Short-order cook. But there was no bread.
Rose was bummed about her vehicular situation.
Eyeliner in a puddle of Concord grape jelly in the fridge…
Earnest had lately taking to ‘oinking’…
Joe was leaving for an early morning bike ride with Thor at Castlewood.
“He’s awake!” Mom declared; improvised fanfare.
Joe got busy searching for missing items…
“I think it’s by the fern stand,” Mom told him.
“You’re a fern stand.”
“Your mom’s a fern stand.”
At the office…
Drop-off Trader Joe’s fair at the farmhouse: oven pizzas, crackers and brie, sugar maple leaf cookies, bananas, peaches, plums, eggs, and Wehrenberg gift card for Judah’s 33rd birthday on Wednesday…
Call about two abandoned kittens at Prairie Road Acres…
The excessive heat warning had been extended, yet again, til Tuesday, though the current high was at 93.
But at least the mold count was moderate.
And storms were possible.
1:20 — back to the house.
Carrie had put together three photo books for Grandma Combs from her trips to Bermuda, Panama, and her train trip through Canada. And researching medical school on the side. One of her many side-interests…
Francis took Puck out on the go-cart.
And Joe returned from Cowboys & Aliens, which he said was mildly disappointing.
Mom was getting out the china dishes, lace linens, glass sugar bowls, candied almonds, and French teaspoons. Molded white and pink chocolate bowls filled with berries…
Joe got busy showing Puck how to scan his face on his copier.
“Joe, not your face. You’ll radiate your head,” Carrie protested.
Joe went for the hand.
“Joe, I can’t believe you’re wasting so much ink.”
“Hey, it’s art… I didn’t mean to hit ‘color’.”
Linnea at volleyball…
Dad picked up Chick-fil-A for dinner before Mom’s ‘lady friends’, as they always called them, would arrive at seven.
OLeif arrived with his newly purchased Macbook Air.
Mom displayed the baby shower invitation for Amanda, who was to have a girl.
Collette babysat Earnest while Collette vacuumed and cleaned her room, which smelled like Avon perfume sticks from the 90’s, afterwards.
Cleaned Francis’ ears with Q-tips, as she had for years.
Rose returned from work. Carrie plopped a pillow on Rose’s lap and then put her head on it, relaxing reading a book about Meyers-Briggs profiles.
“We studied Ecclesiastes last night,” said Rose.
“What did Wrong Hong Dingle-Dong say about it?” Carrie asked.
“It made him depressed.”
Collette and Francis left, unsuccessfully, to pick up Linnea from practice. When they returned, Puck was busy being swung around by his Uncle Joe.
Gorgeous cloud build-up.
Drive-In Cardboard-Box-Car Movie Night.
Veggie Tales.
18 kids.
OLeif put together a mustang-looking prototype for Puck.
Juice box, candy bar, popcorn — per kid.
OLeif practiced some violining with his piano-singing-bike-Bible-study-buddy during the larger part of the film.
8:15 — wrap up.
Into the night…
About 36 raindrops hit the windshield on the way home.
Her knee had been right after all.
OLeif at Blueberry Hill: The Duck Room with Gloria to hear Curly’s girlfriend fiddle.