January 13
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Puck came in at around 6:35.
“It’s a little bit of waking up time, Mama,” he said, opening the curtain. “The sun is getting ready to rise.”
The morning was a quick one, involving little more for Puck than rehearsing the alphabet, looking through Ansel Adams’ photographs of the 1940’s Japanese-American internment camps, and watching giant icicles outside…
“Probably I should get that off the mailbox,” said Puck.
Collette declined his request. It was 26.1 degrees Fahrenheit and not suitable for a venture out-of-doors.
Luke and Leia arrived at 12:45 for the usually scheduled Thursday afternoon. Puck was eager to share his Christmas toys with them after a five-week break. And despite Collette’s pre-restructure of removing all breakable items out of reach, somehow the unanimous question of the day seemed to be…
“Is this made of glass?”
They ended the session with a viewing of one of Puck’s favorites: Wee Bee Tunes, which sent them all the way from France and Mali to the South Pole and Calgary.
And five minutes before it was time for them to leave, of course, Puck and Luke started a wrestling match. All in good fun.
Meanwhile, in other news…
Rose had shown Collette the faded freckle patterns on her arm that highly resembled The Big Dipper and the little dipper the previous afternoon. They really did.
The afternoon continued with Puck delving into photographs of houses in Jamaica, Bali, and Java, video clips of ‘tumbleweed houses’, and the amazing blog photo archives of two little Asian-American sisters in California: http://kristinandkayla.blogspot.com.
Dinner was followed with just enough time to read about John the Baptizer.
Puck was out like a light that night, but not before having discussed the idea of germs in his tunmy…
“They have to stay in there, because they don’t have a home,” he insisted.
OLeif returned later from work, with a gallon of milk.
Well that… and an enormous bake-it-yourself pizza, Reeses peanut butter cups, and Winnie the Pooh from the library for ‘the Puckerton’, as OLeif called him. And, for nostaligia’s sake, both Parent Trap(s) for Collette.
They enjoyed a late dinner over Radiolab.