January 18
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
6:02 awakening by the Puck-monster. Sometimes a full healthy eight hours of sleep were just not often possible. Especially now for OLeif, who had switched his schedule to a daily 5:00 alarm, but could still not usually get to sleep until after ten or eleven.
At breakfast…
“My baby brudder likes to eat Erf (Earth),” said Puck…
While the rain continued to fall, melting nearly the last of the snow.
Later, Puck looked at photographs of his little buddy, Hesed. He was rolling in laughter at a particular picture of Hesed playing the piano. He could hardly stop giggling.
And then to the books.
A very cold walk after the bit of snow had snowed itself out, in the just at freezing temperatures. All was gray and quiet. Puck carried along his orange shovel to dig into every remaining hardened slush pile, and he, of course, jumped into every puddle he passed, the dirty and the clean. He hit the jackpot at one lonely intersection around the old ‘tar pits’.
“Could we stay here forever?” he asked, happily tossing shovelfuls of rain water into the air.
Collette declined this request, explaining the coldness of the air. So he made a different proposal…
“Could we find some more ‘glurry’ (blurry) puddles, Mama?” he would ask.
Back to the house, where Collette had packed the first items of her bag, given the busyness of the next two days before departure.
That evening, OLeif returned briefly to consume dinner before meeting Magnus for coffee.
“You’re going to have fun with Daddy this week,” Collette told Puck, “doing ‘man’ things.”
“Yeah, we’ll go logging and eat sardines,” said OLeif.
Puck stuck out his lip in thought.
“We’ll eat donuts every day…” OLeif went on.
“No… No, no, no donuts,” said Puck, “or else we will get terrible stomachaches.”
“We’ll have about seventeen donuts,” said OLeif.
“Only one donut. One,” Puck replied.
“And we’ll have ice cream for breakfast every morning,” OLeif went on as he walked out the door.
That night, Collette worked on various documents, coming across, in her researches, discontinued Jell-O flavors, including: broccoli, celery, coffee, Italian salad, mixed vegetable, maple syrup, pickle, and seasoned tomato. O, the horrors…
And in further news… for that matter, Colin Firth had also won his first ever Golden Globe, which was an equal noteworthy event.