January 3
Monday, January 3, 2011
It was back to business.
OLeif was out the door at 6:00. Of course, Puck was up at 5:20, so things had already been rolling for awhile…
The previous evening OLeif had used his new anti-squeaky floorboards kit to repair the horrific squeaking. And, amazingly, it had already begun to work.
The morning…
Sing Out.
Tornado sirens. One by one. Freakish sound, no matter the weather. Though only a test, of course.
Puck was learning things.
“But a tree is not a ‘he‘ or a ‘she‘,” he said very seriously, looking out of the window.
And he made his peanut butter and jelly sandwich dance to the catchy Sing Out selections.
In the arrival of the afternoon…
Rose and the kids came at a later hour for the usual back-to-normal tutoring with Collette. Francis and Puck immediately got busy throwing Puck’s sticky frogs up to the ceiling, where they stuck fast, while Rose next chased Puck around in the yard and fixed the foot cushion for Puck’s rocking chair. Rose was the fix-it lady. And the clean-it lady.
The windows were open at Rose’s suggestion, as it was a surprising 47 degrees Fahrenheit. Although the rest of the week was not quite as promising a forecast.
Then, while Francis took Puck on a ride around the neighborhood on the Ruckus, Rose was busy herself examining current happenings on her iPhone…
“Oh, there’s a meteor shower tonight.”
It was a Monday Miracle. Because OLeif had arrived at work at 6:35, he was able to leave so early, that, even after stopping in at Covenant for the grade on his final paper, and shopping for groceries, he returned home at 5:30 that evening. Likely a record-breaker.
Puck took the receipt from the store after OLeif laid it on the table. He had lately taken to calling papers from the mail, receipts, invoices, etc., ’emergencies’.
Some Beach Boys over dinner.
For the later evening…
OLeif’s first meeting of the week was out for a visit with Augustus Honey, aka ‘Caveman’, with his extended locks of hair and grizzly beard, at Starbucks for a couple of hours.
And Collette saw to the usual:
prayers and Scriptures
laundry and a sermon
and her latest vice…
30 Rock
It was looking to be an almost-typical January.